Tuesday 17 January 2012

'InDesign Brochures'

InDesign was another programme that was used on my Digital journey, although I wasn't familiar with it  I had used Quark Express in the past, but not in a professional or even competent manner.
It was not too difficult overall producing the colour brochure.  Text and picture frames were used to place photos from photoshop and text from within the  InDesign programme. I think the beauty of InDesign was its accuracy which made the construction of the brochure far easier to produce than if this had to be done accurately by eye.

Here we had to produce the same brochure but had to prepare it to be printed in only 1 colour.
I knew from past experiences in printing that all I had to really do was produce the brochure in black and white then the colour print would be straight forward. The font colour was changed to black and white and the photos were altered in photoshop using Adjustments/black and white. The same  could have also been achieved with channels or by playing with the Hue and Saturation.

A sample of my first try at using InDesign.

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