Tuesday 17 January 2012

Animation time! Moving Autumn leaves! The Essence of Belonging!


Wow! It just shows what a little bit  perseverance can achieve, the animation was created using Flash. The background image was a jpeg image imported from photoshop, while the moving leaf was saved as a PNG file imported into the flash library, onto the stage and converted to a symbol.
It was exciting and very addictive playing around with The Flash animation programme but I also realised that you do have to make the time to master it.
I suppose that is the one thing the I can say I have got out of my first ever Digital journey, the more time you spend practicing and trying out the programmes the packages the wiser and creative you become.

I have just spend an hour trying to master putting my animation files onto blogger and perseverance paid off.
Want to see some more of my animations remember i have never done anything like this before?


The Essence of belonging composite was used to create an animation using Photoshop CS5. The images were all put into an animation folder and a document was opened in photoshop that was the same dimensions as the image files. Images are loaded as individual layers and are made into frames. Each layers image was moved (altered slightly) and each frame was set the same duration.  The file was saved as a GIF file, size 200 x 200 pixels in either direction.https://docs.google.com/open?id=0ByhgB1kQO-G-N2FiOTc2ZGMtYWYzNy00YjgyLWJkZWQtMzJlODcwYjg5ZTRl

The second file was saved as a GIF file with the sam e dimensions as above and was put on a loop so that the animation continues playing.

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