Thursday 6 October 2011

Working with Illustrator

Yes I had a go at Illustrator yesterday for the second time at university and well at least this time I managed to draw a box using lines. Watch this space because I really think I am going to amaze myself and others
My line drawings using the pen in illustrator now at least look like a line drawing.Yippee! I found the pen tool quite a complex tool to get to grips with but the advise I was given was just keep on practising!

I couldn't think of drawing the basic fashion outfit that Michael asked us to have a go at copying in week 3 but look at what I have now achieved with a little bit of practise.

Illustrator was the one Digital programmes that I really found difficult to master or should I say that I found it quite difficult to handle the pen  tool but practise, practise, practise that's the name of the game.
Here we have a line version of my Essence of Belonging composite.

I think it looks effective in line and gives the composite a less cluttered over worked look, simple but yet graphical.

I have to admit that I need to definitely do a lot more practising with illustrator this drawing was done tracing over my initial composite but i need to tackle illustrator freehand to see what I can produce.All I can say as before is 'Watch this space!'

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