Friday 28 October 2011

Black & White Visual Interpretation of my sampled data.

My black & white visual Interpretation of my sampled data basic but I think it is quite effective had a few goes and this was my first attempt. Will scan the leaf that I used as the surface to analyse and will also scan a copy of my data sheets.

Another two designs to add to my black and white visual interpretation of my sampled data.

Wednesday 26th October 2011 DIY Digitization Wow!

This was the topic I didn't really understand at first. I understood the data analysis of the leaf but my mind went totally blank when I had to transfer my data into a Visual interpretation using Graphic sofware.
Played around with photoshop and realised that everything sounds more difficult if you don't understand what is being asked of you. The key is if you don't understand ask until you do.

Thought I would have another go.

Thursday 27 October 2011

Here's a few more practises!

More Masks really got the hang of things now.

More Masks

Getting more and more confident with Masks and Clipping Masks.

Masks and Clipping Masks

Well what can I say, slowly getting my head around Masks & Clipping Masks was frustrating at first but I finally managed that too. With some serious patience and practice, it's amazing what you can achieve. I found it a bit confusing at first especially  knowing which layer would create the mask but it is easy really once you know how.
The key is really to practice and have a bit of confidence you can only make mistakes and it's by making them that you learn
I have had a very difficult time with Photoshop and Illustrator as a first time user, computers are really not my best friends. I have perservered and I am determined not to give up. Couldn't draw a staight line in illustrator the pen tool was quite difficult to use I still struggle with anchor points but look now at least I can draw basic shapes.

Tuesday 18 October 2011

Working with blogs

Well what can I say, was given a creating blog lesson by one of my students at work amazing girl.
This is my first ever blog created needs some serious work but will get there slowly but surely.
Also looked at some illustrator and photoshop tutorials determined that I am going to be competent at these design packages.

Thursday 6 October 2011

Working with Illustrator

Yes I had a go at Illustrator yesterday for the second time at university and well at least this time I managed to draw a box using lines. Watch this space because I really think I am going to amaze myself and others
My line drawings using the pen in illustrator now at least look like a line drawing.Yippee! I found the pen tool quite a complex tool to get to grips with but the advise I was given was just keep on practising!

I couldn't think of drawing the basic fashion outfit that Michael asked us to have a go at copying in week 3 but look at what I have now achieved with a little bit of practise.

Illustrator was the one Digital programmes that I really found difficult to master or should I say that I found it quite difficult to handle the pen  tool but practise, practise, practise that's the name of the game.
Here we have a line version of my Essence of Belonging composite.

I think it looks effective in line and gives the composite a less cluttered over worked look, simple but yet graphical.

I have to admit that I need to definitely do a lot more practising with illustrator this drawing was done tracing over my initial composite but i need to tackle illustrator freehand to see what I can produce.All I can say as before is 'Watch this space!'